Saturday, June 29, 2013

Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala
Self-portrait,  Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala, Inca nobleman who learned Spanish and wrote a chronicle of the ill-treatment of the Indians by the Spaniards.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Asking About Bilingualism

Mis tweets hoy:

Many say #beinglatino now means losing #Spanish speaking ability. Anyone w opinions on this topic?

Muchos dicen que #beinglatino ahora significa perder la capacidad de hablar #español. ¿Alguien con opiniones sobre este tema?

Friday, June 14, 2013

What Interests Me the Most About the Previous List of Topics?

Lo que más me gusta de la lista anterior de temas es...

How is being bilingual different for Latinos than for previous waves of immigrants? What first comes to mind is that Latinos are from the Americas. Canada, Haiti, Jamaica, etc. are also from the Americas - however, these countries have not sent the same size "waves" as their Latino sisters and brothers.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

¿Porqué me llevó tanto tiempo...?

...A averiguar que si voy a hablar del bilinguismo, tengo que practicarlo también.  Así que aquí estoy , escribiendo en español.  Un ejemplo de comunicar en otro idioma, que pudiera ser cualquier idioma, pero en mi caso es español.

So I should make a very rough list of the topics I could discuss:

-Who is bilingual and why? (In the world as a whole, in the USA)
-The benefits of being bilingual, practically speaking
-The benefits to the brain
-Biculturalism and Bilingualism
-Open mindedness
-Being English-Spanish (ES) bilingual in the United States
-ES bilingualism for Latinos - Why is it different for us than former waves of immigrants?

That's all for now!  ¡Ya acabé!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Why Bilingualism? Part II or My Bilingualism, Right or Wrong.

Being Bilingual - does that mean you speak both languages fluently?  It should not.  When is someone bilingual? And should people who only know a few words in the second language be made to feel as if they shouldn't keep trying?  In the beginning, learning is like banging your head against a wall.  Speaking a new language is like banging your head against the wall in front of other people.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Why Bilingualism?

I would like to write an article on bilingualism, biculturalism, or both.  The topic of bilingualism might be misunderstood, at first glance, as being about English and Spanish.  And I certainly would want to say a lot about that.  For biculturalism, I might want to interview Father James Manning of St. Rose of Lima.  He certainly opened my eyes to the influence of culture on faith.